Zhejiang Onepaper Smart Equipment Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Onepaper Smart Equipment Co., Ltd.
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Instructions For Use Of Non-Woven Folding Machine

A non-woven folding machine is a crucial equipment in the production of non-woven fabrics. It folds and stacks the finished products in a neat and organized manner. However, it is important to follow the proper instructions for its use to ensure its efficient performance and longevity. Firstly, always read the manufacturer's manual for specific instructions on installation, operation, and maintenance. Secondly, ensure that the machine is always clean and free from debris to prevent breakdowns. Thirdly, adjust the settings to the appropriate folding size and speed. Finally, train operators on the proper use and safety precautions to minimize accidents. By following these instructions, you can maximize the productivity and profitability of your non-woven fabric production.