Zhejiang Onepaper Smart Equipment Co., Ltd.
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Folding Machine Overview

Folding machine is a kind of finishing equipment in industrial washing machinery. It began to be used in my country in the early 1980s, mainly in five-star hotels and some large professional laundry factories, and almost all of them were imported equipment at that time.

Some Chinese manufacturers began to produce folding machines in the 1990s, mainly imitating foreign bed sheet folding machines. Until about 2008, there were no manufacturers in my country that produced towel folding machines. By this time, there were more manufacturers producing bed sheet folding machines. 2010 was the most prosperous year for the production and sales of folding machines in my country. Large and small washing machinery manufacturers have invested in research and development or mass production. This is because in recent years, due to the increase in labor costs, many laundry factories have deeply felt the advantages of using folding machines.